


Mechanical Engineering | Engineering & Applied Science | Caltech Home | Alumni Association


  The following items constitute an album of recollections and photographs on the history of Mechanical Engineering (and related activities) at the California Institute of Technology.


It is not intended as an organized history but rather as an admittedly incomplete archive for the enjoyment of those who wish to contribute and/or browse the content. Additional contributions would be most welcome and may be emailed to Chris Brennen or to Chris Silva .


We ask that alumni and friends consider writing up an anecdote or two or digging out some old photographs and sending to us by email or snail mail. If you do send photographs please append a caption describing the event and naming the people. Please also include a return mailing address with printed materials, so that, after scanning, we may return the items to you.


Table of Contents




Ā© California Institute of Technology. All Rights Reserved.   last update: 06/22/2007