Travel & Accommodations
A list of local hotels is provided to help you plan your visit.
Please make your hotel reservations early. Also, make sure to request
the Caltech rate to receive a discount. The Caltech rate will be given
if available. Some hotels have special weekend rates so be sure to
check for the "best rate available." These rates apply up
until December 31, 2006, but may change beginning January 1, 2007.
Airport transportation
Supershuttle telephone numbers: (626) 443-6600, (800) 544-3146 (outside
Maps & Directions
to Caltech Campus
map (pdf)
Arrival Details
On Friday parking will be
tight on campus. Please use courtesy transportation from your hotel,
if possible. Permits will be required for Friday only and the paystations
are located in the Holliston, California, Lura, and North Wilson Parking
Lots. Parking is okay in all non-reserved spaces. If you park on Pasadena
city streets (i.e., Hill, Del Mar, Arden), make sure to abide by the
signs for time limits.
On Saturday there will be
plenty of parking and permits will not be required. Please park in non-reserved
Click here to download a campus
map (pdf)
Wireless Internet
There is wireless internet access in many locations
on campus. As a registered guest, you will receive access instructions.
Caltech Bookstore Hours
The Caltech
Bookstore will be open
on Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The bookstore is located near
the center of campus in the Winnett Center.
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