The Mechanical Engineering Centennial Celebration March 2007


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March 30–31, 2007


The Mechanical Engineering Department, its faculty, alumni, students, and staff marked the 100th birthday of Mechanical Engineering at the California Institute of Technology with a Symposium and Celebration on March 30–31, 2007.


The program on Friday, March 30, 2007 included a reprise of some of the design competitions and undergraduate SURF presentations as well as a research poster session featuring graduate and undergraduate research achievements. Faculty speakers described current research efforts. A banquet at the Athenaeum followed. Saturday was devoted to talks from a group of very distinguished alumni.


The ME Centennial History Project! Before, during, and after our celebration of the 100th birthday of Mechanical Engineering we are putting together a pictorially based history of the Department that will eventually be produced on a CD. Click here for the web version - which will evolve as material is submitted.


With this project in mind, we ask that alumni and friends consider writing up an anecdote or two or digging out some old photographs and sending them to Chris Silva (telephone 626-395-4107, MC 104-44). If you do send old photographs please append a caption describing the event and naming the people. Please also include a mail address so that, after scanning, we may return the photograph to you.






Travel & Accommodations


Airport Transportation

Maps & Directions

Arrival Details

Wireless Internet

Speakers & Topics

Event Schedule

Friday, March 30

Saturday, March 31

Contact Information


Look Who's Coming!





Celebration Committee

Tom Tyson (BS '54, PhD '67)
Chris Brennen






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